
The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts 2021 Awards have been published and certificates of merit provided to winning Garden Clubs. (A certificate of merit may be awarded to a club or district for publications, excluding periodicals or yearbooks) After submitting the required, detailed information to the Awards Committee, North Andover Garden Club was selected as a recipient of the GCFM's Publication Award for the North Andover Garden Club 100 History 1920-2020.

The 1920 - 2020 History Book was the culmination of a three-year effort that included researching and collating materials, followed by writing and documenting the last 50-years of history, decade-by-decade. The History team achieved their goal of providing this book to all Club members as part of several 100-year Anniversary Celebrations taking place during 2020. Kudos to Harriett Osgood, Birgit Blass, Leslie Frazier, Brenda Reeve and Norma Lochmann for the collective long-term commitment that resulted in this book that tells our history and preserves it for the future.